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Speckled Peas


Pea microgreens provide an exciting and nutritious way to enjoy the beany taste of peas. Pea microgreens contain a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals than mature peas, making them an attractive choice for individuals looking for ways to get an extra boost of nutrition in their diet. Pea Shoots are also among the most delicious of microgreens. They can basically be a substitute for salad greens and pack a punch of nutrients while remaining mild in taste.

Latin Name: Pisum sativum L.
Other Name(s): Pea shoots
Microgreen Color: light green
Microgreen Flavor: sweet, fresh pea taste
Microgreen Texture: crunchy, succulent
Nutrients: Vitamins C, A, K, and other vital vitamins and nutrients

Pea microgreens provide an exciting and nutritious way to enjoy the beany taste of peas. Pea microgreens contain a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals than mature peas, making them an attractive choice for individuals looking for ways to get an extra boost of nutrition in their diet. Plus, since they’re harvested young and delicate, their flavors remain vibrant for longer when used in cooking.

Pea Microgreens offer a unique culinary experience that is sure to tantalize the taste buds of even the most discerning foodie! Peas are the foundation of Pea Microgreens, but their beany flavor, vibrant hues and delicate texture bring something wholly unexpected to any dish. A great pairing would be in wraps as it adds depth of texture and flavor. The petite size and lush color of Pea Microgreens blends deliciously into meals while adding stunning visual appeal, while still allowing the bold flavor combinations you love to take center stage. Pea Microgreens are quickly becoming one of today’s hottest micro-green trends in both home and restaurant kitchens alike!

Pea shoots are an excellent source of micronutrients that are often lacking in many people’s meals. They’ll add a bit of protein and fiber to your diet, as well as vitamins C, A, K, and other vital vitamins and minerals.

A serving of 100 grams of pea shoots contains:
  • 4 grams of protein.
  • 3 grams of fiber.
  • 280 micrograms of vitamin K.
  • 79 milligrams of vitamin C.
  • 340 micrograms of vitamin A.